009 Re:Cyborg follows a group of nine cyborgs, each of them created by a shadowy organization for use as weapons against humanity. The group turns on their creators to protect the population instead, using the powers given them to fight their creators.
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Quality: HDRip
Year: 2012
Duration: 103 Min
Director:Kenji Kamiyama
Cast:Chiwa Saito, Daisuke Ono, Dave B. Mitchell, Erin Fitzgerald, Gregory Abbey, Hiroyuki Yoshino, J. B. Blanc, Jason Griffith, Kevin T. Collins, Mamoru Miyano, Marc Diraison, Michael Sorich, Nobuyuki Katsube, Noriaki Sugiyama, Ogie Banks, Patrick Seitz, Paul St. Peter, Sakiko Tamagawa, Sean Schemmel, Shinnosuke Tachibana, Stephanie Sheh, Taro Masuoka, Teruyuki Tanzawa, Toru Okawa