In Tokyo, a young woman is exposed to the same mysterious curse that afflicted her sister. The supernatural force, which fills a person with rage before spreading to its next victim, brings together a group of previously unrelated people who attempt to unlock its secret to save their lives.
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Tagline:What Was Once Trapped, Will Now Be Unleashed
Quality: HD
Year: 2006
Duration: 102 Min
Language:English, 日本語, Pусский
Budget:$ 20.000.000,00
Revenue:$ 39.143.839,00
Director:Kazuko Shingyoku, Takashi Shimizu
Cast:Amber Tamblyn, Arielle Kebbel, Christopher Cousins, Edison Chen, Eve Gordon, Gwenda Lorenzetti, Jenna Dewan, Jennifer Beals, Joanna Cassidy, Matthew Knight, Misako Uno, Ohga Tanaka, Paul Jarrett, Ryo Ishibashi, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Sarah Roemer, Shaun Sipos, Takako Fuji, Takashi Matsuyama, Teresa Palmer